1 mar, 2019

Effective 1 de abril de 2019, BCBSRI will require the provider taxonomy code to be submitted on all claims.

Effective 1 de abril de 2019, BCBSRI will require the provider taxonomy code to be submitted on all claims.

Electronic claims looping


2000A Loop billing provider

PRV Segment - Billing provider specialty information

Ejemplo: PRVBIPXC282NR1301X~



2000A Loop billing provider

PRV Segment - Billing provider specialty information

Ejemplo: PRVBIPXC207Q00000X~


2310A - Loop attending provider name

PRV segment - Attending provider specialty information

Ejemplo: PRVATPXC208D00000X~


2310B - Rendering provider claim level

PRV segment - Rendering provider specialty information

Ejemplo: PRVPEPXC1223G0001X~


2310B - Rendering provider claim level

PRV segment - Rendering provider specialty information

Ejemplo: PRVPEPXC1223G0001X~


2310B - Rendering provider claim level

PRV segment - Rendering provider specialty information

Ejemplo: PRVPEPXC1223G0001X~


2420A - Rendering provider line level

PRV segment - Rendering provider specialty information

Ejemplo: PRVPEPXC208D00000X~



If you have any questions, please contact ProviderRelations@bcbsri.org.